We are ready. Just waiting on the baby.
The nursery is finished, we have been blessed numerous times by friends, family and coworkers at baby showers. Words can not express how thankful we are for all your gifts and thoughtfulness!
Betsy had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going well... I'll spare you the more intimate numbers, but her belly is at 35 cm which is just about right on target and we are hopeful the baby is going to be on time, if not early...
And now, we wait. It seems like forever some days and the weeks have begun to drag by slowly (more so, I think, for Betsy).
Every morning I wake up and think, "was that my last night of peaceful sleep, is today the day?"
Full term is considered 37 weeks and over, and guess what? This Saturday is full term! Originally the due date was the 8th of December, but apparently it is the 6th, or that's what the chart says at least.
And we wait....