Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Just a few quick things....

Mike is 90% ish sure he likes the name Ezekiel. And the baby has been pretty active lately. So active that at times he is interacting with Mom. She can press into her belly and the baby kicks back! Pretty cool. He is now so strong that we can see movement when we look at Betsy's belly. I am sure there will be videos of that coming up sometime soon.

If you hadn't played with the baby ticker over on the left, scroll the mouse over the numbers and click.... there is a setting for days left, days done and months/ days old... fun stuff.

The nursery is the big news lately, I suppose. The "reconstruction" phase is pretty much done.... now comes the "decorating" phase. We aren't sure what is going up on the walls. I think some black and white nature-scenic photos might look nice, but maybe not so nursery-like.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see that baby kick when I get there in October.How about a jungle theme for the nursery since Michael likes to hunt.  You two love the zoo which would lend itself to colorful animals stuff.  Love you, Mom

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Boise, ID, United States