Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cravings and the first trimester

Its pretty common in the movies to see the husband running out to get a gallon of ice cream and a jar of pickles for his pregnant wife. I always wondered if the cravings really and truly happen (except the pickle part, Betsy hates pickles!) , and how strong they are.

Well, Betsy has had some cravings, though I think they have diminished this week. Sometime in mid April Betsy REALLY wanted Round Table pizza and salad bar. The other night she HAD to have a glass of milk. NO chicken, although I might chalk that up to the nausea more than cravings...

There is an interesting article on webMD about cravings and what they can mean, as well as what to watch out for. And this lady had a similar aversion to chicken.

All in all, it has been fun. And delicious. We've had pizza several times in the last month. I haven't been wakened in the middle of the night to go to the store for some peanut butter and lettuce or other odd combos.


Carrie Hutchings said...

I hated chicken when I was preggo too!

Katie said...

Happy Mother's Day Betsy!

Mom said...

This is from Mom J: When I learned of Betsy's pregnancy, I really wished my Dad and Mom could share in our joy of this amazing miracle. The other day I received a sign. There's a green plant in our living room from Dad's funeral 3 1/2 years ago. It has not bloomed since we received the pot. 2 days ago, I noticed 2 white flowers unfolding, as if to say that Dad and Mom know of our joy and are in on it. Then today, I noticed a 3rd one unfurling, and that must represent the baby Betsy is carrying and Michael has fathered! Praise the Lord!

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Boise, ID, United States