Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Sign

Sometimes in our most exciting moments we miss those no longer with us. We want to share our joy and the thrill can be bittersweet because of it. Betsy and I have no living grandparents. We both miss them and would like to be able to share our delight. A little over three years ago we lost Betsy's maternal grandfather. Betsy's mom, Phyllis, kept a plant from the services and it has remained on her mantle ever since, a constant reminder of a love that will never perish so long as the memory of him remains. Phyllis had been wishing she could share her joy with her mom and dad when she noticed the plant had bloomed! Two blooms, symbolizing her mom and dad and shortly thereafter, a new bloom, symbolizing the new baby Betsy is carrying. The plant has not bloomed in three and one half years! The sign that her parents know about the baby is a comfort for Phyllis. Hooray for small miracles.

1 comment:

Carrie Hutchings said...

Awww...this made me cry. Betsy, if you didn't cry much before being pregnant, just wait. And it doesn't end when the pregnancy is over. I cry at everything now.

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Boise, ID, United States