Saturday, July 5, 2008

Butterfly kisses

Yesterday Betsy felt the baby move! She has been paying attention to how her belly feels for a couple weeks, probing and poking, hoping to feel the baby's movements.

She has read in a couple baby manuals that a woman can begin to feel the baby move anytime after 14 weeks. Most often it seems that a first time pregnant woman mistakes the first movements for gas or hunger pains.

But she was pretty certain she really did feel the baby move and was even interacting with it, poking and feeling it poke back.


For some comic relief check this out:



Carrie Hutchings said...

How exciting!!! You know, Mike, that means that soon you will be able to feel your little one moving inside Betsy's tummy. What an awesome feeling.

Shelley said...

That's so cool! I bet you can't wait until you get to feel it too!

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Boise, ID, United States