Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Just a quick hit...

We will use our child’s name about 2,735,000 times in their first 18 years – so you have an important decision to make! Found this fact on the internet, so it must be true, right? Anyway, the number has to be way up there.

Important decisions in the near future. We have been checking out this great baby name website (thanks Sondra!) and have come to the conclusion that we don't yet know the name of the baby. One of our favorites is Ezekiel, check out how specific babynameworld.com gets! Pretty cool.

Middle names are a whole 'nother ball game. Use it to carry on a family name like Boda or Paquette? Use it to remember someone special? Use it for a name that Mike might really like but Betsy isn't crazy about (like Blaise, pronounced blaze, is one of Mike's favorites). Or, how about using it as a verb instead of a noun? "Adventure is my middle name!" How cool would that be? Love, peace, etc....


Shelley said...

Congrats on having a baby boy! Fun fun!! I'm so excited for the both of you!

Carrie Hutchings said...

Ah, the joy of baby names. I actually hardly ever use Eva's name, I just call her baby girl.
Don't get too overwhelmed and have fun with it. You still have lots of time.

smrkoster said...

Thanks for the shout out - love that website! :) We're still undecided as well and I'm starting to get sick of calling him "the baby"... hopefully a name will stick soon. Congrats! Little boys are super great!

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Boise, ID, United States