Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We're having a.....

Our ultrasound experience went well.

As far as the doctor and the ultrasound tech can tell, the baby is healthy. Ten fingers, ten toes, four chambers in it's little beating heart (150 beats per minute), spine, ribs, tibia, fibula, femur, a lens in both eyes (yes, you can see it during the ultrasound! Amazing). The baby rested during most of the procedure. Betsy was comfortable, although her back is just starting to give her trouble...

So without further ado, the pictures!

Didja catch that? Look again at the ultrasounds and see if you can figure out what we are expecting....

We are happy. A healthy baby! What more can we ask for? We are also happy that you are celebrating our new healthy baby boy with us. Thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, love, prayers and friendship!

Betsy has commented a couple times that next week we are "halfway" through this pregnancy. But we found out more than a month into it... and it already seems like a long time to wait. Kind of like how a child waits for Christmas, so much anticipation, the days drag on. That disappears as we age, and I am working towards savoring the anticipation, but then again, I don't have a bay in my belly, playing trampoline on my bladder. I think Betsy is ready to have the baby boy right now...


Carrie Hutchings said...

Enjoy every moment because as crazy at it sounds, you might miss the pregnancy after it is over. Of course then you will have an amazing little boy to amaze you every day.

Carrie Hutchings said...

Also, the 3-D/4-D ultrasounds that you can get are amazing and totally worth the money. Just thought I would share that.

Unknown said...

BJ - I'm so happy for you and Mike. What a blessing and thrill to watch your little one grow inside of you.
Miss you!
Kate (Swanson) Neiss

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Boise, ID, United States