Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomorrow, tomorrow,...

Not much has happened, baby wise.

Betsy continues to feel better and better, although she still is quite tired at times. Some days she can go, go, go for quite a while, others.... not so much. But she continues to be a trooper. Waves of nausea are becoming increasingly rare, and all in all, she is feeling good. Mainly feeling of impatience and "nesting" impulses.

I felt the baby kick on July 4th. Besides the obvious national birthday, the 4th holds a special meaning for meas it was my maternal grandmother's birthday as well. And now, a day that I will remember always as the day I first felt the little critter growing inside Betsy! How cool was it? Well, if you are a dad who felt it, then you know. If not, I would guess it's a little like the Jeep saying.... "it's a dad thing, (if I had to explain,) you wouldn't understand."

But tomorrow is the big news today!

Tomorrow is the 20 week ultrasound! OK, OK, it is actually the 19 week ultrasound. But it is the US where the gender of the baby is typically found out. So, if it goes smoothly (sometimes the baby doesn't cooperate and no determination can be made), after tomorrow, the baby won't be baby, it will be baby XXXXXXX or baby XXXXX! And how exciting is that?!!

In other news, the nursery is about to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Only the ashes aren't really ashes, it's mainly just junk. We are in the process of combining the office and the guest room, and the future nursery has been cleared out of the big stuff, but we (I) have a ways to go to organize my "gear."

Anyway, tomorrow there will be more, so drop back on in then!


Shelley said...

Eep!! How exciting! I can't wait!

Carrie Hutchings said...

How exciting!!! I'll be checking back often to hear the big news.

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Boise, ID, United States